In 2016 our Course Architect, Ben Davey from Contour Golf Design and Course Advisor, Darius Oliver were asked to prepare a long term Master Plan for Mornington Golf Club.  After months of important consultation between the course designers, the Board of Directors and the members a “final” Master Plan was adopted by the Board.

The Master Plan is a document designed to give the Board and Management specific direction with regards to the improvement of the golf course through special projects. A Course Master Plan Subcommittee was formed and they play a very important part of reviewing any proposed Master Plan works and making recommendations to the Board as required.

The key component of the Master Plan is that any special projects will only be done when finance and time permits as there is no specific time frame for the Master Plan to be completed. The suggested order of when works will be completed is also not set in stone as you will see from the reports below, we have already made changes to proposed works order by bringing forward the 9th, 18th and Putting Green improvements.  The order of works are at the Boards discretion but generally the scope of works will fall within the course designers recommendations.

The Master Plan was prepared and recommended improvements to holes were made at a time when the Club had limited water resources.  The Club has now secured an unlimited supply of recycled water and it has been suggested by the course designers that they should review and potentially revise their Master Plan based on the Club now having unlimited water. The access to unlimited water could potentially change their recommendations and the overall scope of works in the Master Plan.

Since 2016 we have had 100’s of new members join our wonderful Club, many of them may not even be aware of what the long term plans are for improving the golf course or even viewed the Master Plan.  I wanted to share these documents with all members as a reminder of the direction the Club is heading in and how we are constantly striving to improve the golf course for members.

The Master Plan can be viewed by clicking HERE

The Master Plan Report can be viewed by clicking HERE

If any members have any questions regarding the Master Plan please do not hesitate to contact me.

Craig Murdoch